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Food Sensitivity Test

96-Food General Panel analysis of specific IgA and IgG antibodies to 96 common foods and spices.
Performed in an CLIA-, COLA- and CAP-certified facility in USA
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What is Food Sensitivity Test

Food allergies and sensitivities are known to be linked to a variety of health problems, yet many people find relief from their symptoms by properly identifying and eliminating offending foods. Our antibody screening panels can help individuals identify trigger foods.Our 96-food panel to measure IgA antibody reactivity to foodborne allergens. We provide a conventional 96-food panel as well as four specialized panels to assist uncover sensitivities to foods and spices included in normal Asian, Japanese, Mexican, and vegetarian diets.

Key Info

Sample Type

Dried Blood Spot

Methods Used


Processing Time

14-21 Days


Only single spot blood sample

Key Biomarkers

96 General Food IgA

96 typical foods and spices

96 Specialized Food IgA

96 Asian/Japanese/Maxican foods and spices

96 Vegetarian Food IgA

96 typical vegetarian foods and spices

96 Vegetarian Food IgA +IgG

96 typical vegetarian foods and spices
Sample Reports
Clinical Importance

Immunoglobulin A (IgA) is an antibody that can activate the pro-inflammatory complement system. Unlike Secretory IgA (sIgA) in stool, which is two IgA molecules bonded together and secreted into the GI tract, serum IgA levels are linked to allergies and asthma. A Serum IgA response to dietary triggers can indicate food that irritate the gut lining.

Common signs and symptoms related with food sensitivities:

Digestive problems
Chronic headaches
Chronic fatigue
Mood problems

Our food sensitivity panels utilize a quantitative ELISA (enzyme linked immunosorbant assay) analysis of the specific immunoglobin(s) IgA and IgG identified for the chosen diet panels’ food and spice analytes. (IgG4 options are also available. Please contact our staff for more info).

Test Options

Most Popular

96 General Food IgA
Dried Blood
14-21 Days
96 typical foods and spices
Analyzes IgA antibodies to 96 foods and spices commonly found in a typical diet.

Most Popular

96 Specialized Food IgA
Dried Blood
14-21 Days
96 specialized foods and spices
3 Options: Asian Foods / Japanese Foods / Maxican Foods


96 Vegetarian Food IgA
Dried Blood
14-21 Days
96 vegetarian foods and spices
Analyzes IgA antibodies to 96 foods and spices commonly found in a vegan diet.


96 Vegetarian Food IgA+IgG
Dried Blood
14-21 Days
96 vegetarian foods and spices
Analyzes IgA and IgG antibodies to 96 foods and spices commonly found in a vegan diet.

Collection Instructions

You Must Read all of these first before collecting a sample!
No food restriction required.
If you are taking medications or supplements, please inform your provider.
All samples must be fully dried before shipping them.
Please complete the test requisition form provided.
Do not touch the circles on the collection card and do not fold the card, doing so may result in a rejected sample.
Fill out all the information within the patient box on the requisition form and write your name, date of birth, and date of collection on your card.
Collection Instructions
Each blood collection card and lancet for one-time use only.
Avoid strong repetitive pressure (‘milking’) on the pricked finger. This may cause hemolysis or tissue-fluid contamination of the specimen.
Do not rub or smear the blood sample.
Allow a sufficient quantity of blood to soak through to completely fill in the preprinted circle on the filter paper. Make sure blood saturates through to the back of the card!
Filling more than the required number of spots is recommended if you have continued blood flow, ensuring ample specimen quantity for testing.
Air-dry completely. Prop the card up or leave taped on table and let air-dry for at least 3 hours. Keep away from moisture and sunlight.
Prop the card up or leave taped on table and let air-dry for at least 3 hours. Keep away from moisture and sunlight.Once fully dried, tuck the cover into flap as indicated. Insert the Blood Spot Collection Card into the biohazard bag containing the desiccant and seal tightly (each resealable bag holds a maximum of 5 cards).

Basic Information

About FIT Test

Food sensitivities are inflammatory immune system responses produced by food allergens. Food sensitivity symptoms, unlike food allergies, often appear hours or even days after exposure, making it difficult to identify the precise offending meal(s). Because of this delayed reaction, the majority of people who suffer from food sensitivities are unaware of their condition and blame it on other factors.

Food sensitivity testing simplifies the process of identifying triggering foods by providing clear proof and direction to begin the healing process and begin improving symptoms.

Different Types of Antibodies

We uses three immunoglobins to test for food sensitivities:
IgG (1,2,3), IgA, and IgG4

We test these antibodies independently to get a clear picture of which foods may be causing patients' symptoms.

Immunoglobulin G1-3 (IgG)

IgG is a type of antibody that can activate the pro-inflammatory complement system (complement cascade) in chronic inflammatory diseases. High IgG levels (class II or higher) overload receptors and induce the inflammatory response, whereas low IgG levels (class 0/I) indicate tolerance.

IgG testing is the most often used food sensitivity test, and foods that are merely high in IgG can frequently be safely reintroduced following abstinence.

Immunoglobulin G4 (IgG4)

IgG4 is an antibody that does not activate the complement system in most people, instead acting as a "blocking antibody" for IgE. The presence of IgG4 is protective rather than inflammatory, because IgG4/IgE binding reduces IgE hypersensitivity (true allergy). If IgG4 levels are high, IgE reactivity testing is recommended, and it may be better to eliminate the food from the diet permanently.

Only certain autoimmune diseases, such as eosinophilic esophagitis, can be associated with independent elevations in IgG4.

Immunoglobulin A (IgA)

IgA is an antibody that can cause the pro-inflammatory complement system to activate. Serum IgA levels are connected with allergies and asthma, as opposed to Secretory IgA (sIgA) in stool, which is two IgA molecules joined together and discharged into the stomach. A Serum IgA reactivity to meal triggers can indicate foods that irritate the gut lining.

Food Panel Comparison

Compare between food panels
96 General Food
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